Friday, April 30, 2021

I am so grateful for the opportunity to interview this special person during such a special season of their life. My life has definitely been made more magical since we started a journey together almost 2 years ago, in Columbia, SC. We are now happily getting tan in Albuquerque, NM with our almost 3 month old baby wizard, Lui. 

Another fun nugget to celebrate about Kiber is that she just launched a hot new website highlighting the fashionable, creatively, and highly vibrational style-ing projects of Kiber & Kobb !!

OK. Here are my...


1. What is it like to now be a parent to a new Earth being? 

It is truly THE MOST beautiful, amazing, fascinating, magical, transcendent, foreign,  familiar, funny, fun, humbling, honest, vulnerable, challenging, cute, sensational,  dramatic, hard, graceful, messy, poopy, loud and quiet experience I have ever known up  to this point in my life. I am so blessed to know this being and to have been chosen by  her to enter into this realm through me and with me. The connection with her was so  instant and real and raw and inexplainable, TWUUUUU WUVE. JUST LIKE IT WAS  WHEN I FIRST MET YOU!!  

2. Which natural elements would you say play the biggest part of your day-to-day  survival (and thrival)? 

On my day to day I would say that it would be to lay in the sun and catch a ray…or two.  Hmmm just wanted to rhyme there, if I could lay in the sun all day I would, but going on  walks and getting outside is supreme, also if I miss a day just getting outside for a  moment to breathe is awesome. Crystals and rocks are also a daily part of my  existence. Our friends recently gridded our home with beautiful and powerful crystals  and rocks to keep our energy high and clean in our home. Coconut oil is a natural  element, right? That is a big part of my daily life…herbal teas too! What about the  fact that I eat mostly plant based diet…green stuff from the earth? Water is good to  incorporate into the daily day. Does KIMCHI COUNT? I know almond croissants don't… 

3. Are there any books you'd recommend to folx considering a more "natural" path  to bringing a baby (full of their own infinite vibration potential and passions) into  this world? 

Sure. I read Ina May's Guide to Natural Childbirth, which got me on the path to wanting a homebirth with minimal interference. She is still part of the medicalized system, so I don't  agree with everything she shares HOWEVER that is the beautiful part of it all… I took a lot of what made sense to me from her writings and applied it to the type of birth I  wanted. (If we all learned to do that, take what applies to our life and leave the rest in gratitude, we could all have civil conversations with each  other and our world wouldn't be so jacked up… but back to your question!!) Another book that really solidified my birth dreams is one called Unassisted Birth by Laura Kaplan Shanley. This book really revolutionized the way birth is, simple and  spontaneous. That birth needs minimal intervention because if you let your body and your baby alone grow and do the work they were made to do, with minimal to no  medical intervention, then your experience can be much more grounding, healing, healthy and magical. That is how it was for me! Intuitive guidance through birth is the way to go! 

4. Which of your favorite style icons (living or transitioned) would you love to work  with? 

You know, I have never had a style icon. I always just wore what felt right to me. What I liked verses following someone else's style. Don't get me wrong, I definitely have  enjoyed branded items and certain trending styles very much, however it was never a person that I looked up to per se. I would say currently someone who I really enjoy  keeping up with and am inspired by is Amy Yeung, owner and founder of Orenda Tribe (located here in Albuquerque, where we just moved to!! did you know we just moved here?) It seems they are fierce and passionate about their work, branding, message, mission and all  around their own aesthetic. From what I know, they do a lot of work with indigenous artists, makers,  jewelers, musicians and others to give back and help native communities in New Mexico. I  believe their work in this sector really amped up when the pandemic hit because the Dine  communities in NM were hit VERY hard with the virus and the government - SHOCKING, I know - has not been  of much help. (This is a topic I could stand to learn more about). Anywho, Amy's work and mission seems to be intentionally filled with love and light, their outfits are badass, their love for patterns and vintage fabrics are badass. Their all around style is FLY. Plus they also work heavily in vintage attire… which is what Orenda Tribe's biz started with, and  that is how I got into Amy's work because I too sell vintage and am a MASSIVE lover  of that world. 

5. If your style / fashion sense was a dessert –– what would it be? 

OOOOOH great question! My answer is not going to be necessarily what would be my favorite thing to eat, but it definitely has to be something bright and colorful.  Probably a seven layer rainbow cake. I want all the colors and patterns in my life. Could  it be polka dotted when you cut into it too? I would go with a simple buttercream icing that had a tied dye color vibe or marbled colors or another pattern altogether on  the outside. I typically love to mix random patterns together and again bright colors  are super fun. If my clothes don't have lots of color in the outfit I try to add  something of color like a coat or a hat. Mostly you will see me in a lot of bright  colored hats or tops or jackets. PATTERNS ARE MY JAM. I love tribal and animal patterns, lots of embroidery is cool. I have several of my grandma's old Mexican embroidered dresses and they are nothing but bright colored weave… some of my favorite things I own. Ohhhh also can you add edible glitter to my cake??? I LOVE sparkles too… sequins and beading are WHERE IT IS AT. Okay, so a tall as hell seven  or more layered cake with rainbow colors and polka dots embedded in the cake when you  cut into it. On the outside a buttercream with bright colored patterns, stripes, cheetah  print more polka dots WHATEVER IS CLEVER and glitter or rock candy… some jazzy funk flash sprinkled on top. Okay cool thanks for reading this.