Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ready. set. rant.

remember that thing i said about the "house o' blues" happening? well, it ain't no more. things just didn't happen. oops.

but i am playing urban outfitters here in charleston on saturday with the same friend (steve fiore). how random.


my mom is moving into her new house soon. my younger brother called me this evening from florida (from college) to talk about it. i think he misses me and home. i kind of miss him too. only secretly though. he is a very cool person.

i'm looking forward to spending some time in the 'boro this month for the giving of thanks and all of that. i miss my home a bit. i need to calm down a little i think. when i go back there, its a lot like breathing very clean air and just being...

i think god wants us to be like turtles that change shells every so often.

it'll be the last thanksgiving dinner/celebration we have at my mom's "old" house before she moves into her "new" one. folks from miles around are going to be there. maybe you should be there too?


i have some music i would like to give you. ask me 'bout it.


i'm playing a lot these days. i'm feeling like i have more of a career and that i have almost total control over it. i think next year is going to be very wild. i'm thinking there will be lots of moving around involved. lots of visiting. lots of touring. i'm trying to wear myself out.


do you think that its good to be honest ALL the time? i do. but why do you think so, if you think so?


wake up
wipe your eyes
wipe your chin
taste your mouth

(how natural.)


i've been wondering how useful it is to see the metaphors in the mundane things.


are you being genuine?