Throw Your Own Silent Disco
by: Mr_Jx
Step 1: Find a 2-way or 3-way headphone splitter with 1/8" adapters. You can find these at your locale geeky electronics shop or Radio Shack for just a few bucks.
Step 2: Gather friends, headphones, snacks and a very good album. This one is recommended for the time being.
[ If you like, you can buy/share at your leisure. ]
Step 3: Find a safe place, plug in and press "play".
Step 4: Enjoy the sounds and be grateful for your ability to hear sound.
If you liked this text tutorial of how to "Throw Your Own Silent Disco" and happen to be in the Brooklyn/Bushwick area, please mark your calendars for a real-live 30-person silent disco with Mr. Jenkins on June 17th. Exact time and location to be announced.