Friday, June 03, 2011

Throw Your Own Silent Disco
by: Mr_Jx

Step 1: Find a 2-way or 3-way headphone splitter with 1/8" adapters. You can find these at your locale geeky electronics shop or Radio Shack for just a few bucks.

Step 2: Gather friends, headphones, snacks and a very good album. This one is recommended for the time being. 
[ If you like, you can buy/share at your leisure. ]

Step 3: Find a safe place, plug in and press "play". 

Step 4: Enjoy the sounds and be grateful for your ability to hear sound. 
[ SOUND is amazing!! ]


If you liked this text tutorial of how to "Throw Your Own Silent Disco" and happen to be in the Brooklyn/Bushwick area, please mark your calendars for a real-live 30-person silent disco with Mr. Jenkins on June 17th. Exact time and location to be announced.