Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I feel that there is much to thank the universe for today. So much, in fact, that there is no particular order to the list of the most current and most awesome happenings in my life today.

Thank you for checking in/being a part of the "big picture".


1. ASPHALT ORCHESTRA is such a fun band; such a great project of the creative intellect and artistic muscle of Bang On A Can. Earlier this month, we visited a few colleges, elementary schools, Portland (Maine), and one very special museum for the 
Ringling Arts Festival in Sarasota, FL.

We've also just begun to "Unpack The Elephant" (wink, wink) to what is a very wonderful, very involved stage show for indoor performances. Thanks to the fine people and students of Keene, NH for letting us test run the beast! I even wrote a piece that is a part of the show. Ah! Asphalt is now a double threat. 

2. RUN DAN RUN, "Normal" is out today! November 19th is the official release show at the Village Tavern in Charleston, SC. This excites me because the album has been 2+ years in the making. Come to our release show in Charleston next month and you'll see why. We were rarely in the same room for most of the creation of the album, yet, the bulk of the album was recorded in one room. We all had lot of other things going on. Like, BABIES for example. Our dear mate and guitarist Ashley Hopkins and his wife had their first child earlier this summer and we wish them so many good things and health and happy times.

[ Photo by: Megan Elger / Album Art by: Nick Jenkins ]

3. THANKSGIVING - Speaking of healthy and happy things, I am very much looking forward to time back home with my family and friends for Thanksgiving. This is the first times in a while that I've actually looked forward to doing much of not-work. I'm so ready. It looks like I'll be on Carolinian soil from the 10th to the 28th or so. Let's do some stuff.* Maybe there's time for a silent disco somewhere in there?

4. Emotional Statistics vs. Philosophical Algebra - This is a newly released, short album of dark pop songs. One of my favorite things is the ability to hear and make sounds. Luckily, there is a website where I can upload and share these neurotic creations with the world in an unobtrusive manner. I do this in the form of my Bandcamp page: 
(Albums are uploaded every few months... or so.) Try using headphones to enhance your listening experience. 

I'm mostly glad that I don't have to ask permission from anyone for me to share my own music. This makes me happy. It is a good outlet. 

5. Public Transit, NYC - This is something I appreciate and get consistently upset with all the same. In any case, it's there!

6. V ULTRA LOUNGE - We've been chiseling away at the mountain that is the lounge that is the cool hang that is the good jam that is the conglomerate of this band. Our next assembly and performance is scheduled for this Sunday, October 23rd at Bruar Falls in Williamsburg (Brooklyn, NY) and we're sharing the bill with honorable likes of BABYLIPS. Oh, they tickle me so. Also in attendance/performance is ATM + YVETTE. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Get spooky.

Keep a look out for a V Ultra Lounge cassette in the near future. 

7. I'm very much a fan of the original series of Star Trek. Check out the set design! And the sound design! And the costume design! It's all so... "fresh." :::

8. Headphones, working at home, overcast days, cereal, the world-wide web, musical opportunities, new perspectives, new connections, beer, snacks, family, friends, storage space, bamboo, couches, Sharpies, MIDI and drum machines are all quite fine with me. 


There is so much more to add to this list, but for now, for today, I will end it... here. 
Take care. See you soon.

_N J