Saturday, March 29, 2014

Today was the first time I ever took a ride on a pedicab. It was a nice alternative to walking to work while my bicycle is in the shoppe. My driver was Steven (keyboardist, percussionist, vocalist) of the band Brave Baby. Grab some of their music: here.

Today was also the first day I ever tried submitting a script to a playwriting competition. You can too. Here you go. Just think, "What if?"

Also, what if THIS?
And, what if THAT?

Today was also the first day I tried the O'Salmon at Fast & French (Gualart & Maliclet).
And of course, you can too


I'm currently working on a new chromatic sound bank of contact microphone/amplifier feedback which will be featured on my Bandcamp sometime this year, hopefully before the Summer greets us.